According to founder and CEO Pavel Durov, the messaging service Telegram wants to publish an update supposedly “RevolutionHow do people express themselves when messaging.” However, he’s stuck in Apple’s treadmills. for two weeks The app has been approved by the App Store Verification Durov explodes at the seams.
Criticism of “tech monopolies”
In a post on Telegram Durov complains that the verification process “mysterious”, but due to the “technical monopolies” of Apple and Google in their mobile operating systems no escape. If Telegram, one of the 10 most popular applications worldwide, receive this treatmentOne can only imagine the difficulties that small app developers have to face,” wrote the Telegram CEO.
Financial losses are imminent
“Not only Frustratingit directly causes Financial losses With hundreds of thousands of mobile apps around the world. Durov criticizes Apple and Google 30 percent Charge fees for app sales that are purported to be necessary to review the app. However, the process is very slow, but improvement is looming, as regulators in the European Union and elsewhere are slowly starting to tackle these matters.”abusive practices” Too busy.
ongoing conflict
as such The Verge ReportsThis is not the first time that Pavel Durov has expressed his dissatisfaction with the “application review process”. In 2018, Apple was accused of one Ban update for TelegramAfter the service was banned in Russia. A day later, Apple approved the update.
“Social media evangelist. Baconaholic. Devoted reader. Twitter scholar. Avid coffee trailblazer.”
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