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Arik Brauer Publizistikpreis goes to Christian Ultsch and Esther …

Arik Brauer Publizistikpreis goes to Christian Ultsch and Esther …

“Presse” Ultsch journalist and German filmmaker Shapira received the newly launched award from the Mena-Watch Research Center.

Christian Ulch, Head of the Foreign Policy Department at Al-Sahafa, German journalist and filmmaker Esther Schapira are the first winners of the Eric Brauer Prize for New Journalism. In the future, the award will be presented once a year “for substantive contributions to the public debate that views the Middle East from a fair and realistic perspective.” Research Center Mena-Watch announced the award on Monday.

Headed by Christian Ulch since 2004 Department of Foreign Policy in the “press” Since 2009, “Presse am Sonntag”, Esther Shapira has been an editor at Radio Hessian and a documentary filmmaker.

Awarded for Fitness and Humanity

According to his information, the Vienna Research Center analyzes the “Middle East and North Africa region) and its representation in the media in order to improve the quality of discourse about this region. The founder of Mena-Watch is Entrepreneur Erwin Javor, who was a close friend of the international artist Brauer, who passed away in early 2021, for many years, He said in the broadcast.

“The winners have a knowledgeable, decency and humane attitude towards all forms of anti-Semitism that they express in their work,” the jury, including brewer’s daughter Timna Brauer, and Daniel Spira, director of the Vienna Jewish Museum, told Paul 24. Editor-in-chief Stefan Kaltenbrunner, “Standard” editor Oscar Brunner, and Adnan Aslan, Professor of Islamic Religious Education at the Institute of Islamic Theological Studies at the University of Vienna.

Prize winners will receive a ceramic sculpture that Prawer himself designed for the purpose. The award is scheduled to take place in March 2022 at the former Walfischgasse Municipal Theatre.

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