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Astro Phenomenon Planet Parade: Here you can see 4 planets in the sky tomorrow

Visible with the naked eye: There is a good chance of three areas: here you can see four planets in the sky tomorrow

Do you see planets like Venus and Mars – all without a telescope or observatory? This is acceptable. Tomorrow, Wednesday, the so-called “Planet Parade” will appear in the sky. FOCUS Online explains what it’s all about and how you can better observe the Astro phenomenon.

They line the sky like a string of pearls: if you look to the southeast at dawn these days, you can see several planets at once. So far there have been three with Venus, Mars and Saturn, and on Wednesday morning there will be another parade in the “Planet Parade,” as experts call the astronomical phenomenon.

What is “Planet Parade”?

Scientists call the “Planet Parade” a “The astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the planets of the solar system, so to speak, line up in the same region of the sky when viewed from the point of view of their observers on Earth.‘,” explains Astro Gateway’s ‘Star Walk’. Although this is not an official term in astronomy, it is often used.

The distinction is made according to the number of participating planets:

  • Little Planet Parade: Three planets.
  • Small Planetary Parade: Four planets.
  • Great Planetary Parade: Five or six planets.
  • Big Planet Parade (complete): All the planets of the solar system (plus Pluto).

As Astronomy Gateway experts continue to write, mini-planetary walks are “not particularly rare events.” It happens several times a year that three planets can be observed simultaneously in the same part of the sky. Once a year there is a constellation like on Wednesday, when four planets appear at the same altitude.

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A large planetary parade of five planets can be seen once every nineteen years. The complete planetary parade, which shows all eight planets in the solar system, occurs approximately once every one hundred and seventy years. The scenery of the different planets is definitely amazing.

On what day can I see the planets?

  • March 28: Already at the end of March Lined up Venus, Marchsand Saturn On the horizon and are visible in the morning, depending on your point of view.
  • April 20: Like NASA He writes on his website that moves too Jupiter It is approaching the level of the other three planets since mid-April. to me “Star Walk” Will do on Wednesday Form a line with the three orbs. “All the planets are within sight with the naked eye and rise higher above the horizon before sunrise.” Visibility conditions are now more favorable than in March. However, a clear horizon is still necessary.
  • April 27: Tomorrow, a week later, it will be added to the four planets decrease moon in the layout.
  • April 30: By the end of April, Jupiter and Venus are getting closer and closer. Aloud “NASAThe planets seem to collide. “Because of the glow of both planets,” the scientists wrote, “observers will see that they merge into a very bright and amazing glow.”

At what time does the astronomical phenomenon appear?

Planets become visible At dawn. “The best time to see the planets is in the morning before sunrise,” explains the Astronomical Society spokeswoman when asked by FOCUS Online. So you have the best chances from around five in the morning.

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What should I pay attention to to see planets?

The following points are important when searching for planets:

  • Are you Ali Northern Hemisphere (ie in Germany), you have to do to the southeast Looking at.
  • search for planets on the lower horizon.
  • Observe the planets from one a high place In order to have a clear view. In the middle of city streets, orbs can be hard to spot.
  • Attempt, Avoid places with light and heavy pollution. A spokeswoman for the Astronomical Society explains: “The sky should be clear of clouds, and it is recommended to place a location out of artificial light with as clear a view of the horizon as possible.” Mobile applications can also be very useful for better orientation in the sky.

Where do I have the best opportunities in Germany?

The chance of seeing the planet parade with the naked eye also depends on how it happened the weather I’ll be with you tomorrow morning. As experts from The Weather Channel tell FOCUS Online, conditions vary depending on where you live:

  • good view: West, Northwest and Central Germany
  • Pretty bad show: East and Southern Germany

Therefore, you will see it tomorrow morning between five and six, especially in Eastern and Southern Germany are less good in terms of clear visibility. Partially dense clouds gather, especially in the east.

So people have bad cards to see the sky scene BerlinBrandenburg and large parts of western Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Over the course of the night, predictions will follow from Poland Towards a dense cloud moving west. also in Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Saxony Thick clouds can obscure vision in some areas. as well as in south of the republic Clouds can appear.

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According to weather experts, the best chances are

  • In the westAnd
  • In the northwest, but also
  • at Central Germany.

The sky is often clear there.

When is the next planetary parade?

The next planet parade is expected at the end of June – and it’s expected to be even more exciting. in the morning June 24 According to “Star Walk”, all the planets in the solar system will line up in the sky. Five of these Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn – Be visible to the naked eye. If you also use binoculars, you will be able to see Neptune and Uranus.

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