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At all branches with a restaurant: Free breakfast at XXXLutz on April 13, 2023

At all branches with a restaurant: Free breakfast at XXXLutz on April 13, 2023

XXXLutz, Austria’s largest furniture retailer, invites its customers to a free breakfast on April 13, 2023. Breakfast is free in all XXXLutz branches with restaurant until 11 am. BezirksRundschau readers can cut the breakfast voucher from the current front page of the BezirksRundSchau and take it with them.

OÖ/Ö. The voucher is valid for one person and includes a “good morning breakfast” consisting of sausage, burgerbaron, darboo jam, butter, cucumber, cherry tomato and two turnips and stretch marks.

Simply clip the coupon from the issue of BezirksRundSchau and enjoy a free breakfast at XXXLutz.  |  Photo: BRS screenshot

Breakfast usually costs 6.90 and sometimes 4.90 when it’s on sale – so definitely worth a stop. “We want to send a signal and make people happy after Easter, and of course we draw attention to the breakfast offer in our XXXL restaurants,” says company spokesman Thomas Saliger, explaining the free breakfast campaign.

“We expect about 15,000 breakfasts.”

XXX-Lutz expects to redeem around 15,000 vouchers across Austria – so preparations are likely to be in full swing: “We have a full staff, both in the kitchen and on duty. Some staff from the furniture store also help. The important thing was the preparation Good for shopping, which ensures that fresh groceries will be available in sufficient quantities as of 7 am tomorrow.

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