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Audi Charging Hub opens in Salzburg

Audi Charging Hub opens in Salzburg

In Nuremberg, Audi is testing the new concept of charging e-cars in public places. A site will also open in Salzburg by the end of the year.

The lack of a robust charging infrastructure in public places is the biggest obstacle to electric mobility in cities. Particularly in densely populated areas, it is not uncommon for the existing power grid to significantly delay its planned expansion.

At the beginning of the year, Audi launched the so-called Charging Hub in Nuremberg, a pilot project for all those who do not have the means to charge their electric car in their own garage or garage. Flexible container blocks can be set up and disassembled in existing areas in a short time and offers two express shipping points per unit. The highlight of the project: Thanks to a temporary storage facility with a capacity of 2.45 megawatt-hours, the first system of this type in Nuremberg needs only a 200 kW connection to the low voltage grid in order to continuously fill the storage units. However, up to six fully electric cars can be charged at the same time with about 1 megawatt of power. Used lithium-ion batteries – the so-called second-life batteries, which come from disassembled Audi test cars – act as energy-storage devices. Rooftop PV modules also provide up to 30 kW of green energy. “The numbers and positive customer feedback show that our concept of delivering a flexible, fast-charging infrastructure in urban areas has actually worked,” says Ralf Holmig, project manager for the Audi Charging Hub.

A second shipping hub is planned for Zurich

Audi recorded about 3,100 charges from January to the end of April 2022 at the Nuremberg site during the trial phase of the world’s first fast-charging station with six bookable high-power charging stations; On average, this is 24 charging operations of about 800 kWh per day. In addition, an average of 35 people per day visited the barrier-free lounge of about 200 square metres, which also includes a 40 square meter balcony above the cargo cubes – and this trend is on the rise. The convenient shipping experience, which can be booked via the app, with an attractive lounge and food display, was well received. Building on the great success, Audi plans to open a second charging center in Zurich in the near future. In contrast to Nuremberg, where the site was deliberately chosen in the area of ​​the congested city entrance, the site in Switzerland had to be more compact and thus compatible with the conditions of narrow space in the inner cities. So a variant with four charging points covered on two power cubes is planned.

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Flexible concept that adapts to the site

Two 55-inch screens will indicate, among other things, the extensive service scene around the center – this includes several food and fitness offerings as well as e-bike sharing in the immediate vicinity. The more compact variant of the Audi cargo axle in Zurich compared to Nuremberg is also based on the modular principle, according to which different sizes of the charging axle can be carried out with and without a lounge. “In this way, we are able to react flexibly to conditions on the site,” says project manager Audi Holmig.

“The numbers show that our concept has paid off.” Ralf Holmig, Project Manager

As an important location for cars and the headquarters of the largest dealership in Europe, Salzburg is also on the list of cities that will have a shipping hub in the near future, along with Berlin. If the plans of the manufacturer from Ingolstadt go according to plan, the schedule has already been set: a suitable shipping solution should start in Salzburg by the end of 2022. A site has already been found, but when asked, the construction permit pending from the authorities is indicated, Which one would not like to expect. What is certain, however, is that the location in Salzburg will not offer its own gastronomy. Instead, one seeks partnerships with companies located in the immediate vicinity.

By the way, shipping rates depend on the tariff of the shipping card used for the shipping center. At the moment it is also planned to keep Audi charging stations open to all brands.

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