From the slogan to the wine in the glass, everything fits together: “Mixed Sentences” appeared at the opening of the Literature Days and will be continued today and tomorrow. Colleagues from all directions once again accept Karin Ivancsics' invitation – for the seventh time, the author is organizing a reading weekend at the Weinwerk in Neusiedl am See together with the association “Der Pirol”.
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image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
image: Wolfgang Millendorfer
Literature Days in Winwerk: Mixed Sentences and Good Conversations.
The Weinwerk in Neusiedl am See is once again the most exciting literary venue until Sunday: After the opening evening, we continue with texts by Mieze Medusa, Jutta Fahrer, Franzobel, Theodora Bauer and many others. Host Karin Ivancsics and the Birol Association invite people to the program, which is also stimulated away from the stage.
The weather was no longer a problem on Friday evening, the hall was well filled and the stage was packed. Jakob Persche spoke to Johanna Seebauer about her novel “Nincshof”, which takes place somewhere in the hidden “See-Winkel”.
Sanja Abramović presented her first book, The Visit, while Rudolf Karazman gave an inventory of “A Thousand Years of Anti-Slavism.” The conclusion is also strong: Konstantin Milena Vlasic in a duet with Mira Perosic, including sharp jabs at current circumstances and (relative) memories of the Croatian rock band Proje in Burgenland.
Wolfgang Millendorfer
Continuation to be continued…
Today, Saturday and Sunday, the program continues at the Weinwerk. All information is also available online.
Saturday, September 14
2.30 pm: Elke Steiner, Jutta Führer, Mez Medusa, Barbara Rieger, Viktoria Ratasic
6pm: Theodora Bauer, Gertraud Klemm
7.30pm: Helen Brussel, Margaret Creedel, Kinga Toth
Sunday, September 15
11am: Franzobel
12 noon: Clara Heinrich, Marianne Jungmeier
Music: Vladimir Bloom
Supervision: Karen Ivancsik, Jacob Berschi, Katharina Tewald
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