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“Authentic I Am” in VI: Julia Hess Helps Highly Sensitive People

“Authentic I Am” in VI: Julia Hess Helps Highly Sensitive People

“Authentic I” is the name of life practice and social counselor Julia Hesse at Stumpergasse 48. Here she supports highly sensitive people with their everyday problems.

Vienna/Marialf. If you think of the brain as an email inbox, the spam folder is where all unnecessary visualizations and impressions are filtered out. “The spam filter works less well for highly sensitive people. Everything ends up in their mailbox and needs to be processed,” explains Julia Hess.

The life and social counselor specializes in her work on the problems and needs of highly sensitive people. In a group training at Stumpergasse 48, the affected persons are offered one-on-one training as well as group meetings that take place once a month. “High sensitivity is shown, among other things, by a high capacity for empathy, an intense perception of stimuli and a tendency to think a lot,” Hess continues.

Back to “I”.

It is important for her to emphasize that this is a character trait, and not a mental illness like depression. In her work, Hess wants to help her clients pay more attention to their needs and find their way back from the outside world. Common topics include how to set boundaries, say no, and deal with daily sensory overload.

Hess knows how best to support its highly sensitive clients.  |  Image: light effect

“Highly sensitive people are very preoccupied with what is going on around them and are therefore less aware of their own needs. I want to help them find themselves again,” says the social and life counselor.

The fact that she herself is naturally hypersensitive helps Hess empathize with her clients. When she decided a few years ago to train as a life and social counselor, it was clear to her that she would focus on people with similar problems to her own in everyday life.

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Down to work: You can find more information about what Julia Hesse has to offer at

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