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Awards Ceremony – Music Morgan Premiere 2022

Awards Ceremony – Music Morgan Premiere 2022

The winners of the “Musik Morgen 22” Orchestra’s Young Musicians Competition were honored on Saturday as part of the performance of “The King and I” musical at the Mörbisch Lake Festival.

Contest premiere

1st place Ivan Hlebov, violin, Ukraine.

State Information Service Burgenland / Hafner

The initiative of Governor and Cultural Counselor Hans-Peter Doskozel and Director General Alphonse Haider was first implemented in 2022 and aims to carve out a permanent place in the Burgenland cultural scene in the future. A total of 21 musicians from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Chile and Japan participated in the “Musik Morgen 22” competition.

They are all students at the Burgenland Musical Institutions, the Josef Haydn Conservatory, the Graz University Institute of Art and Design Oberschutzen, and the Burgenland School of Music. Governor Hans-Peter Doskozel and General Manager Alphonse Haider announced the first three awards and a special award for the performance of “The King and I”.

We were looking for musicians with exceptional skills such as outstanding instrument mastery, experience and stage presence, experience in an orchestra or ensemble and also special characteristics in terms of reliability and discipline of professional training. After an internal selection process, the three music institutions nominated seven young talents each, then presented themselves to the jury with a short music program on the next round.

The jury, made up of General Director Alphonse Haider, Michael Schnack (American conductor, pianist, arranger, composer and university lecturer at the Vienna Private University of Music and Arts, Musical Director of the Morbisch Lake Festival), conductor Eric Boles (Musical Director of jOPERA) ) and Regina Himmelbauer from the state of Burgenland (Department 7 – Education, Culture, Science and Scientific Service) selected 10 prize-winners from this field of first-class participants.

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The Young Talents Competition for Young Orchestra Musicians was held in Burgenland for the first time this year. The governor’s goal was to set up an impulse to encourage young musicians from music educational institutions in Burgenland on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Morbisch Lake Festival.

Contest premiere

Second place Mirza Halilovic, Clarinet, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

State Information Service Burgenland / Hafner

“The ‘Musik Morgen’ competition aims to honor the outstanding achievements of young artists and also to highlight the significant contribution that Burgenland educational institutions make in this field. Governor Hans-Peter Doskozel confirmed at the award ceremony at the Lake Theater in Morbisch that the premiere of this new format this year has It has proven so successful that it should become a permanent fixture.”

“It is certain that the winners of the competitions in question will also play a part in the future country orchestra and in future performances at the Burgenland festivals,” Doskozil continued.

General Manager Alphonse Haider said: “It is an honor to welcome young artists to the lake stage here in Morbisch. I very much hope this or that will become part of our group. The performances in the competition were of the highest caliber and I would like to take this opportunity to express my utmost respect to the musical institutions. in Burgenland for her remarkable work.”

Winners of the Musik Morgen 2022 competition

Contest premiere

Third place Tobias Zeiser, trombone, Austria.

State Information Service Burgenland / Hafner

1st place: Ivan Hlebov (violin, Ukraine), 2nd place: Mirza Halilovic (clarinet, Bosnia and Herzegovina), 3rd place: Tobias Zeiser (trombone, Austria), 4th place (special award): Israel Ignacio Gutierrez Vildosola (violin, Chile).
Places 5-10 in no order, in alphabetical order: Hanna Gendel (flute), Hanna Bechler (cello), Anna Polzer (oboe), Theresa Brim (flute, all Austria), Nanasa Shimura (piano, Japan), Florian Wabel (toba) ) , Austria

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During the competition, the jury unanimously decided to award a special prize to Israel Ignacio Gutierrez Feldosola for the brilliant interpretation of a contemporary piece.

stop prizes

1st place: 5,000 euros (sponsored by Uniqa Versicherung), 2nd place: 3,000 euros, 3rd place: 1,500 euros, 4th to 10th place (without order) all 650 euros (referring to the 65 years of the Morbisch Lake Festival).