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Axel Lehmann’s words are being taken seriously in America

Axel Lehmann’s words are being taken seriously in America

US authorities must find out whether Credit Suisse’s management misrepresented the state of the big bank before the emergency bailout.

There was something else: U.S. officials were apparently unwilling to draw a line under the Credit Suisse case after the takeover by UBS.

Like an agency “Reuters” Based on UPS’s semi-annual report, the American Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the US Department of Justice (DOJ) (and the Swiss Financial Markets Regulator (FINMA)) require Credit Suisse (CS) to hand over documents and information.

The evacuation continued

According to the report, US authorities must find out whether the major bank defrauded investors by concealing its financial condition ahead of its emergency bailout. It is not clear which terms and statements are clarified from the statement. The UPS Semester report says it is cooperating with CS authorities in the matter.

However, the statements of the former CS chief are suspect Axel Lehman Again placed in gold flakes. as well as The head of the bank said in media interviews in December 2022 that exits in CS were essentially stopped.

CS had previously announced that the bank had lost about 84 billion francs in customer money as part of the capital increase. However, the discharge continued even after the first water level report. In the fourth quarter of 2022, customer withdrawals totaled 110.5 billion francs.

But not completely finished

Finma clarified this last March, but at that time there was no reason to open supervisory proceedings. The CS said at the time that the investigation by the Swiss authorities was now over. It is not completely finished: “We are monitoring the bank very intensively and requesting all necessary information and documents,” Finma told “Reuters”.

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