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Barbara Schönberger promotes VAV insurance

Barbara Schönberger promotes VAV insurance

Authentic, not on the lips, entertaining: Presenter Barbara Schönberger (47) is the new face of the VAV campaign.

There she presents herself as an “almost multi-skilled” who reaches her limits in everyday life. She meets accidents with a sense of humor and quick wit. It turns out: “It is good to be a believer. It is better to be believed by experts.” Thus VAV continues its successful campaign that began in 2015 with Til Schweiger. Principle: Short stories in which the protagonist has occasional minor or major mishaps are told and then taken with humor.

New locations, advertisements and other advertising materials will be shown on television and online from 12 July. The new certification was selected again this time by the Hannover-based parent company VHV, and the concept of advertising sites and materials again comes from the advertising agency Scholz & Friends.

Barbara Schonberger was born in Munich and is known as a presenter, artist, actress and singer. – In Austria, she has been running “Starnacht am Wörthersee” and “Starnacht aus der Wachau” for ORF2 since 2015 with Alphonse Haider. In 2016 she was awarded “Rummy” in the “Best Entertainment” category. In addition, since 2008 she has hosted the NDR Talk Show with Hubertus Meyer Burckhardt. Since 2015, the women’s magazine name is “Barbara” too, she has her own digital radio station “barba radio” since 2018 and is active on social media. For Sven Rabe, CEO of VAV, Schöneberger is “original, too good for the right VAV staff,” for Sabine Hartzhauser, Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications at VAV, the certification raises consumers’ attention and thus makes an important contribution to awareness with the VAV brand.

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