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Basic grammar books, basic sets, etc. have been translated (also in German)

Basic grammar books, basic sets, etc. have been translated (also in German)

Wizards of the Coast announced today that Dungeons & Dragons products will be expanded (officially) beyond the English language later this year. The company has officially announced in an article on its website that it will introduce new local products in French, German, Italian and Spanish from September 2021.

This fall, core and core set grammar books will be released in all four languages ​​- updated with the latest bug fixes and translation revisions. Starting next year, Wizards of the Coast will be translating and releasing their latest titles roughly every three months.

“We are excited to continue the strong growth of D&D in Europe with the addition of four more languages ​​as of September: French, German, Italian and Spanish. We look forward to seeing even more fans of the biggest RPG in the coming years. Known globally by bringing these products to stores over before and make our game accessible to the masses in these marketsDan Barrett, D&D Senior Brand Manager EMEA (EMEA) said.

Barrett also shared pricing details, with standard hardcover books priced at $39.99 in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. All products will be available online and online in retail stores.

Dates for localized D & D products:

  • September 24: Dungeons & Dragons Essentials Kit (quasi ein Starter-Paket)
  • 24. September: Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide and Monster’s Guide
  • 19. October: Core Rulebooks Gift Set

Coast Handlers: “With this offering of local products, Wizards will also expand its presence on social media and the web with its own local Facebook accounts. This will allow players to get the latest news and connect with other D&D fans directly in their area and in their efforts to train new and experienced players and entertain alike. Whether, Wizards will also create and promote new video content – VOD and broadcast.(…) Expansion into other languages ​​is very important Now is the time for a company that also plans to hire dedicated team members focused on different regional markets and products, and review existing translations content, starting new translation work on multiple titles, and continuing to work with local teams in Europe and Latin America are also at the heart of these expansion efforts.”

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