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BB on site IL: Motorway tunnel and wind turbine are planned in Schönberg

BB on site IL: Motorway tunnel and wind turbine are planned in Schönberg

News from Schönberger Gemeindestube – City Mayor Hermann Stexner in an interview.

Mr. Stexner, one innovation is obvious at first glance: the center distinguishes the new building.
Stexner: exactly. The help house is located in the center of the village. Visually, it's also viewed critically, but you'll get used to the look. In terms of meaning, it fulfills its purpose perfectly. All 16 apartments are given to Schönbergers who are at least 60 years old and can therefore be brought to the village. The keys will be handed over in the fall.

And a commercial space is being built in the basement?
correct. Veterinarian, vitality and fitness coach Annie Baines and others will move in, as will archers and a shooting range.

What's going on around him?
We are now building a new two-lane bus station on the old site. The current station at Widum is just a replacement station. Furthermore, the artistically framed village fountain is being built and the walkway leading to the Glens is being reconstructed. The first part of the village renovation process is then completed. The second step is the meeting area and church square, but this project now has to be postponed due to other projects.

Traffic Topic: What's new?
From what I've heard, the new noise protection in and on the Schönbergkehre has proven to be a success. Subsequently, the section from the toll booth to the Matrewald will be demolished and expanded. The tunnel near the main toll booth is still ready for approval. The first studies on this will be presented to us after Easter. We will definitely stay on topic. ASFINAG also plans to build a massive photovoltaic system at the fair – and thus on federal property.

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Let's continue with the energy topic. Is it true that Schoenberg wants to build wind turbines?
Nothing has been decided yet, but yes, preliminary investigations and state-backed wind measurements are currently underway at the Glens. If the results are good – which is expected – the Community Real Estate Agricultural Association will undertake this project. The energy generated should benefit the population through the renewable energy community. Wind turbines will be very far from residential areas, agricultural areas, etc. In addition, local LED lighting has almost been completed, and photovoltaic systems in the construction yard and kindergarten have been put into operation.

Another sentence about childcare.
We also have the problem here of difficulty finding employees. We have already had to intermittently close school daycares because it is no longer possible to improvise. Since Telvis does not have a day care center, we have a whole group with us from there. However, we will no longer be able to accept any more children from TVS for the reasons mentioned above.

As is known, the current period will be her last period as the leader of Schönberg Village. Is there a successor already on the horizon?