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Before the first show – Stadttheater Mödling: coats, swords and a big nose

Before the first show – Stadttheater Mödling: coats, swords and a big nose

"Cyrano de Bergerac" / City Theater Modeling 2023

The swordsman, the poet and the tragic lover: “Cyrano de Bergerac” by Edmond Rostand, which can be seen in Mödling from 2 December with Markus Tavakoli as Cyrano, Barbara Koudelka as Roxanne, and Benjamin Spindelberger as Christian.

Bettina Frenzel

HBruno Max, director of the Mödling City Theater, has planned director Dumond Rostand’s romantic drama about the poet with a big nose to premiere this year. It will be shown tomorrow, Saturday, with “Cyrano de Bergerac.”

It celebrated its premiere in Paris. In New York he appeared on the opera stage. In Hollywood he won an Oscar – and in France ten Cesars. And in modeling? It never was. And now, more precisely: this Saturday celebrates the premiere of the film: Edmond Rostands “Cyrano de Bergerac”. For the director of the Mödling City Theater, he is “probably one of the most famous theater heroes after Hamlet.” And the long-awaited guest at the Mödlinger Babenbergergasse.

As the last theatrical performance – before the traditional New Year’s Eve parties – this year, Bruno Max placed the “Romantic Poetic Drama Comedy” from 1897 in his 26th repertoire. The story about a nobleman, who is as skilled at swordsmanship as he is at writing poetry, but uses the latter to win the heart of his beloved Roxanne for his companion rather than himself, was also presented as a “magnificent spectacle”.

The play “Cyrano de Bergerac” can be seen at the Mödling City Theater From 2 to 16 December,

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