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Biden does not expect the use of Russian nuclear weapons

Biden does not expect the use of Russian nuclear weapons

Despite Moscow’s suspension of the New START nuclear disarmament agreement, US President Joe Biden currently sees no signs of a Russian use of nuclear weapons.

Biden told ABC News on the sidelines of his visit to Poland that the suspension of the agreement announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin was a “huge mistake.” “But I don’t read that he’s considering nuclear weapons or anything like that.”

Putting the ad later into perspective

Putin said in his state of the nation address on Tuesday that Russia would suspend its participation in the New START treaty. However, the Eligibility of the Moscow Foreign Ministry statement later stated that the country will continue to “strictly observe the quantitative limits of strategic offensive weapons” during the term of the treaty, which runs until 2026.

The treaty is the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty between Russia and the United States. In the treaty, Washington and Moscow commit to reducing the number of nuclear warheads to a maximum of 1,550 each, and limiting the number of launch vehicles and heavy bombers to a maximum of 800.

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