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Bits of info about the new Fatal Fury / Garou part

Bits of info about the new Fatal Fury / Garou part

After the Evolution Championship Series 2022 SNK everyone has a new part Fatal Fury / Garu Surprised (inform us), we’re now getting a few small details from Gamescom from an interview with colleagues from twinfinite.

Producers Yasuyuki Oda And the Joshua Weatherford They chatted about the importance of the new address. SNK sees the game as “big versionAnd it lowers expectations for new information soon. This was not expected anyway, since the trailer was only talking about “green lighting.” At the same time, you can now confirm that it was already in development before the trailer.

The other good news is the announcement that Fatal Fury/Garou will be having them Great focus on the single player or “Story Mode”. SNK’s recent releases have been rather weak on this front. However, SNK realizes that many players may not be familiar with the complex traditions of Fatal Fury/Garou. It will be interesting to see how they intend to bridge this knowledge gap. According to Oda, the ideas already exist.

However, the cast has not been commented on, with the exception of one of the most famous faces in the series: Terry Bogard Certainly there will be. This should now be known to a wider audience since its appearance on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The producers weren’t able to say a release date either, which shouldn’t come as a surprise at this early stage of development.

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