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Born Global Champion Award is given to 15 Austrian companies

Born Global Champion Award is given to 15 Austrian companies

The World Academy logo is born

As part of the Export Day on June 28, 2022, which took place for the twentieth time at the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ), the President of the Economic Chamber Harald Maherer and Deputy Secretary-General signed Mariana Connell 15 Young Austrian companies are the winners of the “Born Global Champion” award, the award is given to young companies that have been active around the world since the beginning, providing innovative products and services and demonstrating rapid international growth.

“It takes not only a good product, but also a lot of courage to push the borders of Austria with a product or service at a very early stage. To be convinced from the start that your product idea can also be successful in international competition”, Harald Maher describes the mentality of the world champion Al-Mawlid adds: “The award we are presenting to 15 prominent companies today aims to motivate others to follow in their footsteps and open international markets.”

At the awards ceremony, held for the eighth time this year, Mariana Konnell emphasized the great importance of innovation for Austria as a business location: “The Born Global Champions represents quality ‘Made in Austria.’ The basis for this is a strong focus on innovation and a global, so to speak trampoline. For the success of our business site. At the same time, innovation is needed to control current challenges such as climate change or the energy crisis. The born world champions we recognize today are proving this in a particularly impressive way.”

ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA offers a range of services to help you achieve your goal of being internationally active right from the start. The newly built facility is a training ground for “Born Globals” in the future. World Academy was born A series of multi-stage events in which startups interested in exporting are introduced to scaling their business models and internationalizing in a very purposeful manner.

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In addition, the Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Digitization and Business Website (BMDW) as part of the initiative “go internationalMore programs to support Born Globals.

World Championship 2022