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Börse Express – Broad support for financial education as a school subject

Börse Express – Broad support for financial education as a school subject

42% support introducing financial education as a compulsory subject from sixth grade onwards.

40 percent (!) want financial education to be mandatory for career politicians.

13% of survey participants agree that financial education is a private matter and part of family upbringing.

5% believe that there are enough offers in daily newspapers, books and social media.

“The result of this survey – especially the high rate of professional politicians’ commitment to financial education – is certainly influenced by emotions and subjective prejudices due to current economic conditions,” says Frank Weingarts, Chairman of the Degree Forum Austria. He continues: “In fact, insufficient knowledge of financial products and lack of communication about the long-term implications of financial decisions are the biggest obstacles to the correct handling of money and investment success. Financial education can help make decisions based on rationality rather than greed.

From Börse Express PDF dated 13 October 2023

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