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Börse Express – Glyphosate trial in US against Bayer ends without verdict

Börse Express – Glyphosate trial in US against Bayer ends without verdict

Wilmington (dpa-AFX) – An investigation against Bayer The cancer risks of glyphosate-containing herbicides have ended without a verdict in the US state of Delaware. After deliberating for days, a jury couldn't agree on whether a gardener's lymphoma cancer was caused by her use of Roundup, a herbicide containing glyphosate. Additionally, the Institute of Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals says that glyphosate has been successful in testing in the state of Arkansas.

Bayer has won 11 of the past 17 cases, according to a company spokeswoman. However, damage claims in lost cases made headlines because of their sums. For example, at the end of January, a jury awarded a cancer patient about 2.2 billion dollars (two billion euros). Yet, in the United States, such large sums are often and sometimes significantly reduced on appeal.

Bayer took matters surrounding the glyphosate-containing herbicide Roundup into its own hands in 2018 with its $60 billion acquisition of Monsanto. The first judgment against DAX came in the same year – Company. This led to a wave of lawsuits in the US. In 2020, Bayer launched a billion-dollar plan to settle most lawsuits without liability. A good portion of the cases have been settled, but there are risks. As of October 2023, 52,000 cases out of about 165,000 cases are still open./mis/mne/stk

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