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Börse Express – RWE signs the contract for the supply of liquid gas from the USA

ESSEN (dpa-AFX) – energy company RWE Signed an annual supply contract for 2.25 million tons of LNG from the United States of America. Deliveries should not begin until 2027, RWE Supply & Trading announced Wednesday. According to the company, the agreed volume corresponds to the tonnage of 30 ships or about 3 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year.

The term of the contract is 15 years. The contracting partner is the US company Sempra Infrastructure, which develops, builds and operates LNG plants and LNG development projects on the Gulf Coast in North America and the Pacific Coast in Mexico. The LNG will be delivered from a new terminal in Port Arthur, Texas, which is expected to be commissioned in 2027. Deliveries could be made by RWE to anywhere in the world, for example to natural gas import facilities, RWE said. Liquefied in Germany.

Andre Strack, President of RWE Supply & Trading, described the agreement as another important step towards diversifying gas supplies in Germany and increasing long-term security of supply in Europe. /rea/DP/mis

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