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Botanical Theory |

Botanical Theory |

Avoiding animal products has consequences in a wide range of areas. However, a comprehensive theory of vegetarianism must first be written.

It's pretty much indisputable that a vegan diet is good for the environment, and if certain rules are followed, it's also good for your health. Recently, researchers led by Anne-Charlotte Bong (Stockholm University) showed that reducing animal foods would reduce Sweden's greenhouse gas emissions by 30 to 52 percent and water consumption by 14 to 27 percent. (Nature Communications, February 1).

There are a number of similar positive studies. However, sometimes more critical voices also emerge – for example from the group around Ishak Korcu Durgbitor (University of Zagreb), which takes risks e.g. B. For food security (in the case of plant diseases) or for the economy – nearly a billion farmers worldwide depend on livestock farming (Agriculture 12, 1518). Such considerations make it clear that phasing out animal products has an impact on countless areas of our lives and economies. However, there is currently no comprehensive presentation in the scientific literature.

Away from the scientific community, Swiss futurist Joel Luc Kachelin has now attempted to provide such a summary. In his book “Plant Economics” (237 pages, Hirzel, €29.50) It describes a conference in the fictional state of Carnivoria, which is considering a shift to vegetarianism due to the negative consequences of livestock farming, and analyzes the experience of four neighboring countries already free of livestock.

Four radically different approaches to veganism have been described: “Chlorella” is entirely devoted to plants; “High-tech islands” rely on new technologies (such as bioreactor meat or precision urban agriculture); “Tenebrio” replaces cows and chickens with insects and mussels. Zircula is based entirely on the circular economy (including the use of dead animals). Many areas are covered that go beyond diet – from new fashion trends to social upheaval and the redesign of consumer goods to shifts in international trade flows.

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Kashelyn's story is easy to read and very informative. However, there is still a long way to go before the topic is comprehensively addressed and systematically penetrated. This theory of vegan transformation continues to wait to be thought about and written up.

The author headed the “Press” research department and is now a scientific communicator at the American Institute of Technology.

[email protected]

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