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Bregenz Festival: bleak tree landscape of “Freischütz” – Bregenz

Bregenz Festival: bleak tree landscape of “Freischütz” – Bregenz

Next season, “Der Freischütz” will be premiered at the Bregenz Festival. A bleak landscape of dead trees now appears on the lake.

A lot has happened at the Bregenz Festival in the past few weeks. Not only is the new stage design currently being created for next season, but in the background the new concrete core of the Lake Stage is also continuing to take shape.

This is what the situation currently looks like in the lake phase.

Trees grow on the lake

Trees have been “growing” on the lake near the floating platform in Bregenz since December. They were planted along the sea wall in the stage set and are the first indication of what a stage set for “Freischütz” might have looked like. According to information from the Bregenz Festival, the deceptively real-looking construction consists of a tubular steel frame, the lining section of which was given its natural appearance using rabbit netting, grouting, mortar and paint.

Trees “grow” from the lake.

The concrete core also forms in the background.

Different platforms have been built.

The preparations are frighteningly beautiful

Another 22 trees will be added before training begins in June. The festival itself describes the stage design as “frighteningly beautiful.” In addition to the tree structures, various platforms can already be seen, arranged at different heights. While construction work continues, the current scene already gives an idea of ​​the intense and mysterious atmosphere that the audience has come to expect in “Der Freischütz”.

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Video: Current photos of Bregenz

The director during the presentation of the program.
© Philip Steurer

A vision for theater design

Director Philipp Stölzl revealed the first details about the production and stage design during the show's screening. The place is an inhospitable village that suffered a flood disaster. It's half flooded, dead trees are sticking out of the swamp, and you can see outlines like claws sticking out of the water. Through the strange stage design, Stölzl wants to create a feeling of winter cold. “You are then in this difficult world where Max has to fight for his place in life and meets the devil,” he described. As the water level in the lake drops by about two meters during the season, singers and actors will perform in what looks like an “infinity pool.” This should extend to the front row of the audience.

Trailer for the game On the Lake

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