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British fashion brand Wagon Happy is launched in the United States

British fashion brand Wagon Happy is launched in the United States

6. June 2021

© The Happy Wagon Clothing Company Limited.

After being overwhelmed by orders from the US, dynamic British vegetarian entrepreneur Lori Delahundy settled into her brand Wagon delight Bring it to America too. “Because of the huge increase in postage costs due to the epidemic, we realized we could not better serve our customers in the United States, so we moved to the United States a few months ago, says Boston, MA.

Wagon Happy has a fast growing range of affordable and limited Stylish vegan clothing Developed for men, women and children. This brand guarantees the best quality, is 100% non-violent and comes with a sophisticated vegetarian message or logo that is suitable for all ages and genders.

© The Happy Wagon Clothing Company Limited.

“We’re so excited about this expansion of Wagon Happiness – and a little more nervous! I ‘ve been sitting at my kitchen desk in the UK with a small selection shirt and sweat for a few years now. Delahundy continues. ”The vegetarian scene is alive and well with our customers in the United States. My dream is to go to a mall or a vegetarian restaurant and see someone wearing a wagon Happy sweatshirt! ”

Like the UK, Wagon Happy works with US protocol distribution partners and the garments are made with protocol and vegetarian products Thread and printing ink Made by. In addition, 10% of the brand’s profits are donated to animal rescue and shelters.

“Our second goal in establishing Wagon Happy is to raise money for vegetarian food and animal rescue projects, apart from the selfish cause of wanting to wear beautiful vegan clothing that matches our style,” Delahundi reveals. “We have already partnered with a fantastic animal shelter in the United States: – A non-profit based in Kansas City, KC, which provides medical care, food and care for the homeless. “

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More about the Wagon Happy brand