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BRUSSELS – Von der Leyen is pushing for an agreement on reforming EU asylum law

BRUSSELS – Von der Leyen is pushing for an agreement on reforming EU asylum law

BRUSSELS – Von der Leyen is pushing for an agreement on reforming EU asylum law

The road to the European Union is blocked: refugees behind the fence on the Hungarian-Serbian border near Horgos (AFP/Armind Nemani)

Co-leader of the Green Party in the European Parliament, Reinteke, made a similar statement. Finally, the asylum system in the European Union must be reformed in order to enable orderly, humane, and fair distribution of constitutional procedures.

There is disagreement in the European Union over the proposal proposed by Spain Crisis organizing. The federal government has so far rejected this. According to information from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper, Chancellor Schulz has now decided to abandon resistance to crisis regulation.. So far, the Green Party in particular has criticized this regulation. It stipulates that countries under particularly high immigration pressure can extend detention-like stays to migrants, and can also apply stricter rules to people coming from countries with a high recognition rate.

Foreign Minister Berbock (Greens) will meet with Italian Foreign Minister Tajani tomorrow. Immigration policy should also be a topic.

Pro Asyl also criticized the potential approval of the regulation. The association explained that “it will be a gift to right-wing extremists in Europe. Because they clearly determine the political agenda in the European Union.”

You can read DLF’s interview with Foreign Minister Baerbock here. It was performed on Monday. The topic was asylum reform in the European Union.

This message was posted on September 27, 2023 on Deutschlandfunk.

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