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Bundestag elections: Strobel on membership to participate in the party reorganization

Bundestag elections: Strobel on membership to participate in the party reorganization

nAfter CDU leader Armin Laschet announced the withdrawal, the federal deputy and president of Baden-Württemberg in the CDU, Thomas Strobel, spoke in favor of greater participation by members: But don’t waver either,” said Strobel Welt.

“We will engage the grassroots more than in the past. A look at the experiences in the country also shows that member surveys are not a panacea. Now it’s a matter of balancing this carefully and intelligently, with member participation,” Strobel said.

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6:45 pm – Röttgen against Laschet’s succession plan: “We have to learn from the mistakes made”

In the CDU there is resistance to the plan of party leader Armin Laschet to organize his successor. “We now need an orderly, open and integrated process with a clear timetable,” said his successor candidate and foreign policy expert Norbert Röttgen at WELT AM SONNTAG. “We have to learn from the mistakes that have been made. Any attempt to prevent fair competition for the future of the CDU and direct repositioning from above is not appropriate to create a new trust.”

The Chairman of the Bundestag’s Foreign Affairs Committee, who is himself under discussion as the next potential chair of the CDU, advises making a decision outside the back room: “Now the grassroots must speak quickly.”

6:04 p.m. – Regional group leader NRW warns Krings against questioning members

After the resignation of CDU leader Armin Laschet, the chair of the NRW regional group in the Union Parliamentary group, Gunter Krings, called for a “well-thought-out action”: the goal of the 2025 elections. Krings WELT said Armin Laschet’s resignation this week would certainly not prove the capacity of the Democratic Union Christian to act. While coalition negotiations between the SPD, the Greens and the FDP have yet to begin, it would not be a “smart sign for now”.

Krings supported Laschet’s proposal to ease the reorganization process himself: “The aim is not to reorganize the Federation as quickly as possible, but to reorganize it as stable as possible.” One should communicate “more intensively and in a more organized manner” with members, but Krings “is skeptical, whether member survey is the right method here, since our experiences in this respect are not consistently good”.

5:25 PM – Klockner wants content first, then people talk

CDU MP Julia Klöckner calls for party staff decisions to be made only after content is updated. “We must not make the mistake of thinking that with a new president at the top, all problems will be resolved,” she said. For programmatic renewal, one needs a “smart method that integrates parliamentary group, party wing, working groups and grassroots, before decisions are made”.

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2.39 p.m. – Dobrindt expects CDU reorganization ‘this year’

Alexandre Dubrindt, the leader of the CDU’s regional group, called on the CDU to speed up the search for a new president: “I expect this reorganization to take place quickly and to be completed this year,” he told the Muenchener Merkur newspaper (Saturday).

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Opinion government formation

Like Marcus Sodder, president of the CSU, Dubrint also considers talks about Jamaica possible. The fact remains…we are always ready for negotiations on Jamaica. “

The FDP and the Greens had “put the light-bulb train on the right track. There is a good chance it will get there,” Dobrendt said. But if the traffic lights fail, “we remain willing to talk to Jamaica.” This is also expressly true in the case of The coalition collapsed later in the electoral cycle.

1:50 pm – Le Mans pushes for ‘very quick’ change of CDU leadership

Karl Josef Lohmann, head of the CDU’s labor wing, is pushing for a quick change of party leadership after party leader Armin Laschet announced his withdrawal. “Looking at the upcoming state elections next spring, including the state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia, my view is that we must move forward with staff reorganization very quickly. And fast means: we should finish it this year,” said Le Mans-Welt. “Personally, no I think a member survey will bring us any advantages.” Clarify the content “at least as important, if not more important.”

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In the opinion of Lohmann, Minister of Health in the government of Armin Laschet in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the question is “Do we want to remain a popular party or become customers? I strongly advocate that all wings continue to have a home with us: social Christian, conservative and liberal.” “We must To represent the interests of ordinary employees more strongly again. Otherwise, it will be difficult to win elections in the future.”

1:42 pm – Sodder would like to continue working closely with the CDU

Marcus Soder, President of CSU, announced that we will continue to work closely and constructively at the union. “We take note of Armin Laschet’s decision with great respect. As the CSU, we will continue to work closely and constructively with the CDU,” the Bavarian prime minister said on Friday in Munich.

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In light of the ongoing talks on government formation by the SPD, FDP and the Greens, Sodder also emphasized: “If the explorations at the traffic lights fail, we will of course be available for further talks for Jamaica.”

12.21 p.m. – No large-scale new elections necessary in Berlin, according to the senator from the Interior

According to the Senate’s preliminary findings, the election failures in Berlin on September 26 are not so serious that they have made nationwide elections necessary. “At the moment, I don’t suppose that elections in Berlin should be repeated on a large scale,” Geisel said. Berlin Mayor Michael Müller (both Social Democrats) added: “According to our current knowledge, irregularities should not be viewed to an extent relevant to the state or falsifying the election.”

Geisel did not want to exclude by-elections in up to three electoral districts or in individual electoral districts. It is the first votes in the House of Representatives elections. The voting gap between the candidates there is so small that faulty ballot papers or spotty elections, for example, could be relevant to the state.

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Voters queue in front of the polling station for the federal election and the election of the House of Representatives.  +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

10.40 – Vising: “The traffic light government has already been re-elected”

FDP General Secretary Volker Wessing is confident that explorations and coalition negotiations for the SPD-Green-FDP coalition will come to a successful conclusion. “It’s my third traffic light negotiation,” Wesing said on WELT News. “Of course, the experience of the Rhineland-Palatinate is useful. And of course it is also encouraging to know that the government of traffic lights has already been re-elected”

Wesing is the Minister for Economic Affairs of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. After being re-elected in March, Malu Dreyer (SPD) rules there for the second time with the Traffic Lights Alliance. Wesing announced that a federal-level coalition will now work out a schedule for the next week to discuss all topics. Now is not the hour for demarcation. But now is the time to put in place a program in which citizens can find themselves to the fullest extent possible.”

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9.28 a.m. – “Who wants to be treated like a straight Armin Laschet?”

For the Greens and the FDP, Armin Laschet’s announced withdrawal does not play a role in the exploratory talks. Green politician Jürgen Tritten made it clear that the CDU leader’s announcement that his party would be reorganized does not change the decision to talk first about the Traffic Lights Alliance. We have made the decision in light of the State of the Union and above all in this matter. Nothing changes in either of them.”

FDP Presidium Marco Buschmann tweeted that people were keeping a close eye on the parties. They know: Just as people treat each other, they treat citizens and their interests as well. And who wants to be treated the way his straight party treats Armin Laschet? “

4.31 a.m. – Ramilo sees an opportunity for the Federal Council in the tripartite government

Federal Council-designate President Bodo Ramelo (left) has high expectations for cooperation between the regional chamber and the three-party government in the federal government. “I see this as an opportunity,” said Ramelow of the German news agency dpa in Erfurt. The Bundesrat is more vibrant in terms of party politics than almost any other body in Germany due to the great variety of government coalitions in countries. “However, he often agrees across party lines.”

2.00 am – PM Hans: The CDU must now change its position

The Prime Minister of Saarland, Tobias Hans, welcomed the announcements of the CDU leader, Armin Laschet, to reorganize the party. This is important and right, Hans told the Rheinische Post, “in order to avoid more painful internal party debates”. “I would like to thank Armin Laschet for this step and his commitment to the CDU over the past few years.”

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07.10.2021, Berlin: Armin Laschet, Federal President of the Christian Democratic Union and Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, leaves after giving a press statement on the progress of the exploratory talks at Konrad-Adenauer-Haus.  Photo: Michael Kappeler / dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

0.30 a.m. – Jusos asks for a spot at the light negotiating table

The young organization of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) insists that it has a say in the negotiations on the traffic lights alliance. “If the content of the traffic light is to be negotiated after the explorations, the Jusos family should sit at the table,” Juso president Jessica Rosenthal tells the German editorial network. Jusos are primarily concerned with social progress, such as overcoming Hartz IV, and emphasizing the demands of their youth policy.

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