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Catholic Church in the Salzkammergut: Sermon on May 30: “The Incomprehensible Secret”

Catholic Church in the Salzkammergut: Sermon on May 30: “The Incomprehensible Secret”

GMUNDEN. Today in Trinity Sunday we celebrate our greatest incomprehensible mystery. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit – one God in three persons.
Three in One – No, this is not a special offer, this is the result of God’s people’s experience with the one God. It becomes tangible through the person of Jesus and is clearly felt through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus hands over the “diploma”

Today Jesus sends his disciples to serve. He invited her up the mountain. I think that was a little cumbersome for some. Then they saw Jesus, some relieved, some breathing, some with doubtful eyes. What did Jesus do? It’ll actually send it away again. Go to all peoples and baptize them with the names of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It reminds me of handing out testimonials. The disciples have now learned “knowledge” in recent years on the common road with Jesus and are now allowed to go with this tool.
Summer holidays will soon return after an exceptional school year that has been a challenge for many. Tired, fresh and unpredictable – like the youngest of the time. Many young people here also begin a new phase of life. With a handyman degree, with a high school diploma, … in hand, you prepare for a new chapter in life. New challenges, new colleagues, new surroundings, … As with the younger generation, a sense of optimism can be felt …

Service from the Holy Spirit

Jesus sends us into the world. For this “work” we need energy, love, understanding and strength. He encourages us as the disciples did at that time. I will not let you down – I am with you every day! This is where the Holy Spirit comes. He works with this energy and power. Not only do I wish for young people who are new on the path or who are now starting a new phase of life with martyrdom, but also that the Holy Spirit will hit their hearts at least 150 km / hr so ​​that they can. Come to love and understanding to master the new encounters in your life.
May this incomprehensible mystery fill us, O God, with life and love anew every day!
You may not be able to explain this triad with logic, but with experience. It is a wonderful secret and therefore valuable at the same time. After all, you have to reckon with everything – good including.

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The cues come from Jenny Jasner, 26, a pastoral youth welfare actress at the dean’s office in Gmunden.