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CDU politicians want members included in choosing a party leader

CDU politicians want members included in choosing a party leader

After defeat in the federal election, CDU leader Laschet announced on Thursday that the party’s leadership would be reorganized.

Several prominent CDU Conservative politicians have spoken out in favor of involving members in selecting a new party leader. But there have also been voices skeptical about the member poll – the extent of participation and the timeline are still not entirely clear.

“I think it’s right that we’re talking about participation in membership,” Representative Frederick Merz, himself a candidate for the party’s presidency, said on the ZDF website. He has left it open as to whether he seeks the CDU presidency. Merz, after two failed attempts at the party leadership, ruled out facing a squabble vote again at a Federalist convention.

CSU urges you to hurry up

Sister party CSU urged the Christian Democratic Union to speed up. “I expect this reorganization to take place quickly and to be completed this year,” said CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrendt “Münchner Merkur” (Saturday edition). “It is the right decision by Armin Laschet to pave the way for a repositioning at the top.”

After the defeat in the federal election, CDU leader Laschet announced on Thursday that the party leadership would be reorganized and made clear that this should also affect his position as party leader. He wants to submit a proposal on Monday to party committees to hold a special party conference at which his successor will be clarified. Laschet also spoke out in favor of greater grassroots participation – but left it open anyway.

“I am open to a survey and will support it,” Mittelstandsvereinigung (MIT) president Carsten Linnemann told RTL/ntv on Friday. However, there can be no decision on membership because in the end the delegates will have to make a decision at the party convention. A similar statement was made by CDU MP Philip Amthor. “We have to see that we get a broad legitimate basis, because after all the decisions of the last few years about the party leadership and the chancellor nomination, there are legitimate expectations in the party base: Please listen to our wishes as well,” he told Phoenix.

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Union parliamentary bloc MP Carsten Lenemann (CDU) has demanded a non-binding member poll — but in the end, the federal party conference will have to decide on the leadership position, Lenemann told broadcasters RTL and n-tv. The deputy described Laschet’s willingness to withdraw from the party leadership as “correct”: “It was also brutal – even in human terms, it was no longer bearable, the pressure was there.”

The head of the NRW regional group in the Union Parliamentary Group, Gunter Krings, has warned against a member survey. In the online version of Felt, he said he was “skeptical” whether this was the right way to reposition the CDU in a stable way. “Because our experiences are not consistently good in this regard.”

Potential successor warns Rotgen of a secret deal

CDU foreign politician Norbert Röttgen, who is considered a potential candidate for Laschet’s successor, has warned of a secret deal about a future CDU head. “Any attempt to prevent fair competition for the future of the CDU and direct repositioning from above is not appropriate to establish a new trust,” he told Welt am Sonntag. “Now al-Qaeda must have its say ASAP.”

According to a survey, Röttgen has gained the most approval of Laschet’s successors currently under discussion. In a survey by Kantar, 32 percent of those questioned thought he was a good fit for the Funke media group. However, among the CDU / CSU supporters, Merz is ahead.

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