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Celebrate the beginning of the year – “Grandma Alarm” and a festive buffet in the New Year's Eve program in St. Christophine

Celebrate the beginning of the year – “Grandma Alarm” and a festive buffet in the New Year's Eve program in St. Christophine

New Year's Eve at St. Christophine Christa Berger

Christa Berger welcomed her guests Traud Kerbel, Monica and Gerhard Pichler (from left).

Christine Hale

nAfter a wonderful program with Constanze Breitbenner on stage, the guests went to the buffet party at the Gasthaus Lazelberger.

“We needed more venues, as so many people signed up for our New Year's Eve program,” says Christa Berger of St. Christophner's Theatre. Constanze Breitbenner ensured a wonderful and funny New Year's Eve in the theater with her show “Omi-Alarm”. After the actress celebrated her birthday on that very day, the stage guests celebrated her with the song “Happy Birthday.”

We then proceeded to the Hannes and Bianka Lazelberger Inn opposite, where a wonderful festive buffet with many delicious appetizers, main courses, desserts and cheese platters was waiting for us. Guests toast the New Year with a glass of champagne.

Saint Christopher on New Year's Eve 3

Walter and Christa Barchesek came from Unterdambach to attend the New Year's Eve program in St. Christophine.

Christine Hale

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