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Cerberus is considering buying a government stake

Cerberus is considering buying a government stake


Many in Commerzbank will find it good that the state, as a major shareholder, stays with it for some time while the institute is reorganized.

(Photo: dpa)

Frankfurt, Dusseldorf Job cuts, employee disagreements, the red numbers: in Commerzbank Things are going well at the moment. The likelihood that this will change in the near future is low, because after the federal election, the debate over the state’s exit is likely to intensify at Germany’s second largest private bank.

US financial investor Cerberus, who owns five percent in the institute, could imagine acquiring the state’s 15.6 percent stake, several people familiar with the matter told Handelsblatt.

Cerberus Germany chief David Noyer has indicated in confidential talks that he is willing to consider acquiring the state’s stake in Commerzbank if the new federal government is ready to sell. Cerberus and Commerzbank did not want to comment on this.

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