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Charlotte Casiraghi: Her new boyfriend is sad about the end of summer

Charlotte Casiraghi: Her new boyfriend is sad about the end of summer

Charlotte Casiraghi (38 years old) loves poetry and philosophy. So it is no wonder that her heart beats faster when someone knows how to use words. Is this also the reason why Charlotte Casiraghi fell in love with Nicolas Mathieu (46 years old)? The attractive writer received the prestigious French literary award “Prix Goncourt” in 2018. In addition, one of his novels was turned into a six-part TV series. Now Charlotte Casiraghi's boyfriend is also making a name for himself on Instagram. Because Nicolas Mathieu posted a poem about past summer days on his profile.

Charlotte Casiraghi's boyfriend finds warm words

“Another summer has passed. Here the mornings are fresh again, the air is so clear and the evenings are so hot. Eight weeks of beauty pass so quickly,” writes the man who is supposed to make Charlotte Casiraghi’s heart tremble. He continues his philosophy about summer: “It disappears. It disappears, with the taste of Aperol, the hot feet, the suitcases, the turmoil of immigration, our wrinkled clothes, the organized happiness from Saturday to Saturday, these rented rooms in which we feel even better than at home, the memories of parents who were not so old, the almost electrifying white wine and the sensual skin around the eyes. These are words so profound, so provocative, so meaningful. They certainly make Charlotte Casiraghi think.

Carla Bruni also loves his creative flow.

But it's not just the beautiful woman from Monaco who seems to be very impressed with Nicolas Mathieu. Actress, singer and former model Carla Bruni (56) is also one of those who clicked “like” on these words. Could former First Lady Charlotte Casiraghi be dangerous? Definitely not. Because Carla Bruni was happily married to former French President Nicolas Sarkozy (69) for many years. But it seems that the two women have something in common: a joy for philosophy and words that resonate.

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