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Children can be vaccinated in schools

Children can be vaccinated in schools

Education Minister Heinz Wassmann considers vaccination at the school “logical” and “practical”. The EMA is currently examining whether the Biontech-Pfizer vaccine will also be approved for children 12 to 15 years old.

Vienna. The Austrian government expects an important decision from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on Friday. You must also approve the Biontech-Pfizer vaccine for children between the ages of 12 and 15. So far, the permit only applies to young people 16 and over. Politicians are already discussing vaccination measures for children and teenagers.

Health Minister Wolfgang Mokstein (The Greens) announced recently that he wants to “vaccinate soon” for 340,000 children between the ages of 12 and 15, and has not announced a more precise schedule. The “most practical form” of vaccination for this age group is currently being discussed. So said Minister of Education Heinz Wassmann (ÖVP) in an interview with “Oe24” on Tuesday. In his opinion, vaccination can also take place directly in schools.

At larger locations, such as schools with 1,000 students, you can set up your own vaccination stations. The vaccine can be administered there by the school’s doctors. The Minister considers this approach “reasonable”. Mobile teams can also be envisioned. The vaccination of children and adolescents may also be outsourced to general practitioners or vaccination methods. In particular, during the summer holidays, which begin on 3 or 10 July, vaccination will likely not take place in schools.

Schools open in the summer

Speaking of summer holidays: In these schools, especially gyms and outdoor facilities, they should be increasingly open to sports clubs and societies. This is what is requested of mayors and managers in a current joint letter from the Ministry of Education and Sports, as well as the Union of Cities and Municipalities.

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