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China provides conditions for better relations with the United States

China provides conditions for better relations with the United States

CHina’s Deputy Foreign Minister Xi Feng read out to his U.S. spokesman a list of demands that his employer had already made in Alaska in March. The United States should lift all sanctions against Chinese officials, demanding extradition against the Hawaiian manager Meng Wanjo Remove visa restrictions against members of the Communist Party and against students in certain fields, allowing the United States, China, Confucius and state media to operate freely. Ji Feng said after meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman in the Chinese port city of Tianjin that these are the preconditions for normalizing relations with the United States.

Friedrich Page

Political correspondent for China, North Korea and Mongolia.

Admittedly, no one expected definitive results at the end of Sherman’s trip to China. The State Department said the purpose of the meeting was to “open up communication channels at the highest level.” Negotiations are important to “reduce the risk of misunderstandings” and to set up “safety rails” so that competition with China does not go into conflict, a senior foreign ministry official said in advance. So when Sherman landed in Tianjin on Sunday the expectation was not high. Her spokesmen invited her there because no political representatives are currently being received in the Chinese capital due to the epidemic.

After John Kerry, Special Envoy for Climate Change, Sherman is only the second highest-ranking representative in the presidential government. Joe BidenTravel to China. Best of all, your visit is an interim step towards Biden’s first meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Xi Jinping. In Beijing, a possible date has been set for the G-20 summit to be held in Italy at the end of October.

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After Xi Feng, Sherman met with the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. He had already announced that he wanted to teach America a lesson. “If the United States has not yet learned to treat other nations equally, it is our job to present a seminar to the United States on this.” Wang Yi could not give any words because China’s most senior foreign politician set the tone for Yang Jiechi in Alaska in March. During that time he delivered a 16-minute speech to Secretary of State Anthony Blingen and Defense Adviser Jake Sullivan.

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