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China’s Conflict with the United States: Progress in the South Pacific

China’s Conflict with the United States: Progress in the South Pacific

EIn the planned security agreement between China And the South Pacific island nation of Solomon Islands worry Australia, New Zealand and their allies the United States. Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Chowdhury confirmed in parliament on Tuesday that the agreement was “ready for signing”. The draft of this speech was recently distributed by Chokavare’s domestic opponents. It said the Solomon Islands could request the deployment of Chinese police and soldiers to “maintain social order”, provide humanitarian or disaster relief, or “provide other types of assistance agreed upon by the parties.”

Friedrich Bose

Political correspondent for China, North Korea and Mongolia.

Chinese naval vessels can also re-supply the Solomon Islands. According to the draft, Chinese security forces could be involved in protecting Chinese citizens and projects. According to the draft, they will be released from the trial. The two contracting parties ensured mutual confidentiality. Sadly, members of parliament did not respond to a request for comment on whether the draft was compatible with the final version.

There are fears in Canberra that China could set up a military base on an archipelago 2,000 kilometers northeast of the Australian coast. Sadly, he called this “nonsense” and denied that his government was being pressured by Beijing. His country has been accused of “failing to regulate our sovereign affairs or having any motive other than its own national interests”. His goal is to “diversify” the island nation’s security relations.

The government seeks China’s proximity

So far, Australia has been a key security partner of the Solomon Islands. After violent riots last November, Canberra sent about 100 soldiers in support of local security forces. Sokavare assured that this cooperation would continue. China sent ten police officers for the first time.

Image: FAZ

The Prime Minister did not hide his desire to bring the Solomon Islands closer to China. Under his leadership, the island nation severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 2019 and returned to Beijing instead. The geopolitical twist has sparked domestic tensions ever since. Chokavare’s enemies seek closer ties with the United States. Washington has recently expressed growing interest in the region in its geo-strategic struggle with China.

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