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Christine Lavant Award 2021 goes to Maja Haderlab

Christine Lavant Award 2021 goes to Maja Haderlab

The awards ceremony is on October 3rd at RadioKulturhaus with actress Isabel Karajan and duo Bartolome Bateman.

Vienna Christine Lavant Press

The Christine Lavant Prize was launched by the International Christine Lavant Society in 2016 to commemorate the poet and her remarkable work. The Poetry and Prose Prize, worth €15,000, honors writers who, like Christine Lavant, combine high aesthetic standards with a humanistic attitude and a critical social outlook in their literary work. On the proposal of the International Literary Advisory Board, the prize is awarded to people who write in German and who have already been considered by the public as important literary voices. The previous five winners have been Kathryn Schmidt, Bodo Hill, Klaus Merz, Angela Krause and Judith Schlansky.

The advisory board includes: Martin Kossig, Director and Artistic Director of Burgtheater Vienna, Dr. Katja Jacir, Head of Literature at ORF, Mag. Robert Howes, Director of Literaturhaus Wien, Dr. Ferruccio Delle Cave, freelance journalist and exhibition curator in South Tyrol,

University Prof. mag. Monica Rink, writer, translator and lecturer at the Institute of Linguistic Art. The Chairman of the Literary Advisory Council, Dr. Clemens Reynoldner, playwright, literary scholar and writer.

jury logic

Clemens Reynoldner, who will commend Maja Haderlap, for the jury’s justification:

The 2021 Christine Lavant Prize is awarded to one of Austria’s most important writers. In four volumes of poetry, a novel, essays, essays, and sermons, the author revolves around such topics as frontiers, loss of homeland, estrangement, and alienation, and tells of the loss of language and the search for a new language, and thus also of seeing a new human order.

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The focus is on her novel “Engel des Vergessens” (2011), which tells the story of a Slovenian Carinthian family. The novel, which has been translated into many languages ​​and won numerous awards, tells of the Carinthian Slovenian resistance to National Socialism and the humiliation of the Austro-Slovenes – and in some cases still are.

Maja Haderlap’s work convinces with poetic power, a clear historical awareness, and an original narrative tone. Maja Haderlap is also an eminent voice in Austria’s intellectual life.

To Maja Haderlab:

He was born in Eisenkapel/Selezna Kapla (Austria). After receiving her doctorate, she worked as a theater assistant, program editor and lecturer at the Institute of Comparative Literature at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. As an author and editor, she edited the literary magazine “Mldeje” for three years and then worked for 15 years as a principal at the Klagenfurt City Theatre. Maja Haderlap has published poems and articles in Slovenian and German, as well as translations from Slovenian. She has received numerous awards and prizes, including the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize (2011), the Bruno Kreisky Prize for Political Book (2011), the Rauriser Literature Prize (2012), the Max Frisch Prize (2018), and the Austrian Art Prize. Literature (2019). Her own texts have been translated into several languages ​​and published in numerous German and international magazines and anthologies.

Theatrical version of your novel angel of oblivion It premiered in September 2015 in a production of Georg Schmidleitner at the Academic Theater in Vienna.

In 2018, she was invited to speak at the state party marking the centenary of the founding of the Republic of Austria

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Publications (choice)

Gala Dinner and Awards

The Christine Lavant Prize will be awarded again this year as part of a festive gala at the Vienna RadioKulturhaus on Sunday 3 October at 11 am.

The award ceremony will be framed by actress Isabel Karajan and duo Bartolome Bettmann – Progressive Strings Vienna. Moderate ORF Cultural Director Martin Traxl.

RadioKulturhaus offers a live broadcast, with ORFIII broadcasting a 90-minute recording from the morning of October 10 at 8:30 am.

Sponsors, Supporters & Members

The activities of the International Christine Lavant Association, in particular the awarding of the Christine Lavant Prize with the Intern and the Awards Ceremony, are supported by BKS Bank, Berndorf AG / Redler Vermögensverwaltung, Carinthia – Culture, the Hans Schmid Private Foundation and by contributions from sponsoring and financially supported full members .

Media Partner

ORF RadioKulturhaus, the weekly newspaper DIE FURCHE, JUWEL Film, ORF TVthek, classic portal fidelio, Buch Wien, cultural broadcaster Ö1 and ORFIII support the activities of the International Christine Lavant Association as a media partner.

More information about the International Christine Lavant Association can be found on the website

Inquiries and contact:

Prof. Dr. Clemens Reynoldner
Chairman of the literary advisory board
Tel .: +43 664 3943100

Doctor. Hans Gasser
President of the International Christine Lavant Association
Tel .: +43 676 7600 491