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Chronic abdominal pain due to a special intestinal bacteria – healing practice

Chronic abdominal pain due to a special intestinal bacteria – healing practice

Irritable bowel syndrome caused by histamine-producing intestinal bacteria

through the production histamine can sure gut bacteria to chronic stomach pain and one irritable bowel syndrome to lead. Diets containing fermented carbohydrates and medications directed against bacterial histamine can be a remedy here.

research team from McMaster University and the Queen’s University has bacteria “Super histamine producers” Find out in the gut, too Chronic abdominal pain and the irritable bowel syndrome can drive. The results of the corresponding study were published in the specialized journal “Translational Medicine SciencesChest.

Gut bacteria affect health

The Intestinal germs It is associated with wide-ranging health effects, extending far beyond the digestive system. For example, recent studies have shown that The intestinal microflora influences the development of rheumatic diseases has and about The gut axis that influences the brain and behaviour.

Digestive system, health effects gut germs However, clearly visible. So the gut flora was already there Chronic abdominal pain and the irritable bowel syndrome implicated, but the specific pathophysiological mechanisms remained unclear.

Look for pathophysiological mechanisms

In the current study, researchers are trying to decipher this. To do this, they first examined stool samples from Canadian and American patient groups.

“We followed these patients for several months and found high levels of histamine in their stool when patients reported severe pain and low levels of histamine when they were pain-free.”The lead author of the study explains Professor Premicel Persic Manal McMaster University.

Klebsiella aerogenes is a major histamine product

In experiments with mice, the research team was then able to identify the bacteria Klebsiella aerogenes as the most important histamine producers Identify. According to researchers, bacteria can convert dietary histidine, an essential amino acid found in animal and plant proteins, into histamine.

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The bacterial strain was also present in the fecal microbiomes of three independent groups of patients with irritable bowel syndrome compared to healthy individuals, according to the researchers. mostly Represent.

Experiments have shown this, too bacterial histamine The immune system of the intestine via histamine 4 . receptors The activator, which pulls immune mast cells into the intestine. Mast cells produce more histamine and other pain mediators inflammation and pain Caused, the team explains.

A diet lower in fermentable carbohydrates

Were the mice on a diet Reduced Fermented Carbs Nutrition, a decrease in the so-called visceral hypersensitivity and accumulation of mast cells in the large intestine has been detected.

In patients with irritable bowel syndrome as well, reducing the intake of fermentable carbohydrates has an effect Abdominal pain reliefwhich has been associated with changes in the intestinal flora and decreased concentrations of histamine in the urine.

New treatment options

In studies in mice, one pharmacological blockade Histamine-4 receptors also inhibit the so-called visceral hypersensitivity and reduce the accumulation of mast cells in the large intestine.

This indicates that therapeutic strategiesWhich targets bacterial histamine, can help treat many people with irritable bowel syndrome and chronic abdominal pain.

“Now that we know how histamine is produced in the gut, we can identify and develop treatments that target histamine-producing bacteria.”summarizes the first author Giada de Palma Manal McMaster University.

“Although mast cell therapy in irritable bowel syndrome has been explored, a new approach based on our research is to target bacterial histamine production or the H4R pathway.”added Professor Persik.

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by H4 receptor blocking Mast cells can be recruited into the colon and thus develop Prevents abdominal pain He also hopes to become a co-author Professor Stephen Fanner Manal Queen’s University. (fp)

Author and source information

This text conforms to specifications in the specialized medical literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been examined by medical professionals.


  • Giada de Palma, Chico Chimbori, David E. Reed, Yang Yu, Virginia Rabia, John Lu, Nestor Jimenez-Vargas, Jessica Cisinoin, Cynthia Lopez-Lopez, Premicel Persic et al: Histamine production by gut microbiota stimulates visceral hyperalgesia through histamine-4. receptors for signaling in mice; in Translational Medicine Sciences (Published 27/7/2022),
  • McMaster University: Histamine-producing gut bacteria can cause chronic abdominal pain (published 07/27/2022),

important note:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. It cannot replace a visit to the doctor.