Sobotka was accompanied by a delegation that also included Lower Austrian Chancellor Martin Eichtinger and Austrian Consul General in Milan Clemens Mantell.
“Historically, Friuli Venezia Giulia has a very close relationship with Austria. The list of cooperation projects with Austria is very long: projects in the logistics area with the Port of Trieste and Interport Villach, the joint economic and tourist routes within this framework of Euregio ´Senza confini, the European Community for Regional Cooperation that Created by Friuli Veneto Giulia, Veneto, Carinthia and many other initiatives. As a region, we are working to further develop this relationship, “stressed Fedriga. Also participating in the meeting were the Austrian Honorary Consul in Trieste, Sabrina Strolego, and the Italian Ambassador in Vienna, Stefano Beltrame.
Fedriga explained: “Given the special situation in Europe, our region strives to strengthen logistical links in partnership with neighboring countries. In addition, we are committed to research, given that Friuli Venezia Giulia is home to many scientific institutions of international importance.”
In cooperation with the Italian state, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Slovenia and Croatia are trying to create the first “hydrogen valley” in Europe with companies active in the field of hydrogen. “In light of the current international situation, this is a strategic initiative for our region and our country, which allows us to achieve greater energy independence and which we intend to implement with the aim of European cooperation,” said Fedriga, a senior EU politician. league.
The meeting also discussed environmental sustainability, the global climate crisis, inflation, family and youth support initiatives, housing policy, combating anti-Semitism, and the issue of migration affecting both Austria and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Sobotka visited South Tyrol on Tuesday.
“Food practitioner. Bacon guru. Infuriatingly humble zombie enthusiast. Total student.”
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