The existence of a ninth planet in our solar system is controversial. A new theory can now shed light on this issue.
Clinton – There are scientists who doubt the existence of a ninth planet in our solar system. However, this is not Pluto, which was downgraded from planet to dwarf planet in 2006. The only hypothetical “Planet Nine” so far is said to be farther from the Sun than Pluto, and is five times the size of Earth. This is the only way he can explain the phenomenon observed by experts: the movement of some objects in the so-called Kuiper Belt in our solar system makes sense only if this ninth planet exists.
despite of Multi-year search for “Planet 9” There are many theories that have not yet been discovered. A team of researchers from the USA has now proposed a new theory: what if “Planet 9” does not exist and the unusual movements of objects in the Kuiper Belt can be explained in another way?
Isn’t “Planet Nine” present in our solar system?
Theoretical physicist Katherine Brown (Hamilton College) and her colleague Harsh Mathur (Case Western Reserve University) tested the theory of alternative gravity Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) on Kuiper belt objects. “We wanted to see if the data supporting the ‘Planet 9’ hypothesis would actually rule out the MOND theory,” Brown explains in one of the articles. notice Their university.
However, the research team found that MOND accurately predicts the observed motions and led to the “Planet 9” theory. It was the study In the specialized magazine Astronomical magazine published.
MOND theory puts an end to “Planet 9”.
MOND theory assumes that Isaac Newton’s well-known law of gravitation is valid only to a certain extent. If the gravitational acceleration predicted by Newton’s law becomes small enough, MOND allows for different gravitational behavior. Some experts even view the theory as an alternative to dark matter, a concept used in astrophysics to describe a hypothetical form of matter that has gravitational effects in the universe but does not emit light and has not yet been discovered.
“MOND is really good at explaining galaxy-scale observations,” says co-author Mathur, adding: “But I didn’t expect it to have such a noticeable impact on the outer solar system.” Regardless of the outcome, his colleague Brown adds, “this work shows that the outer solar system can serve as a laboratory for testing gravity and studying problems of fundamental physics.” (unpaid bill)
Automated assistance was used in writing this article by the editorial team. The article was carefully examined by editor Tanya Banner before publication.
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