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Da Staumtich: Welcome to Nirvana

Da Staumtich: Welcome to Nirvana

“Nirvana” – this is the name of the new record of the old hip-hop group Linz Da Staumtich. It was performed last Friday at the Linz Stadtwerkstatt – between the odes to the Passion of the Cross and hymns about dangerous places like St. Magdalena, it was all acted out.

You can confidently count on them among the “old men” of the Linz hip-hop scene. And no, we’re not talking about Texta here. Antrue, Roleee Solo and Freistil also known as “Da Staummtisch” have been an integral part of the Steel City for over a decade and a half. What was their first EP in 2006 with “Diaf & Seicht” has now reached its peak with “Nirwana”. At the launch event held at Linz Stadtwerkstatt, it was no surprise that the hut and guests were packed with people at the end of the evening. But one by one.

Da Staumtich: He never gets tired

“Da Staummtisch” presented herself in a good mood that evening, unfortunately no longer with DJ Concept on the turntables. He wants to focus more on production and solo projects in the future and is represented by the completely unknown DJ Dan. Set list? Journey through a decade and a half of Steel City hip-hop. What begins with excursions to the ancient log “Rienewaplü” continues with skill. No matter whether it is previous numbers like “Geh Zuwa” and other well-known songs from the 2016 album “Eldorado” like “Pistoin” or “Rennts Da Nu”, or tracks from the new album “Nirwana” like the bone anthem “Kreiz”. Mein Kriz”. They were all well received. You can also hear “DFN”, “Thanks for Nothing” and the now-rare features. Former Blumentopf MC Holunder even took the mic again with Benedikt Walter, and David P from Munich just with his freestyles. Is it in the end the whole Texta crew on stage? Of course like “hops and goats”. An evening in which you probably know everyone in the hall, but it’s a good sign if the hall is still full. And you can then end the evening not in a café Urfahraner “Cafe-Pub Strawanzer”, but in Cafe Strom. Here are many “table evenings” in different concert halls!

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the pictures: Christoph Leib