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David Jackson offers a “fat surprise” when they meet again

David Jackson offers a “fat surprise” when they meet again

Bachelor semi-finalist

Bachelor David Jackson clearly found his latest decision difficult.Photo: RTL


Vera Siebnish

The bachelor, also known as David Jackson, was already struggling with his emotions during the finale. Lisa and Angelina, two finalists, are allowed to spend one more night with him before the last Night of the Roses, and with her is the final decision.

Not an easy choice for David. “Today’s decision will set me apart,” he declared before the Grand Final. What he didn’t know at the time: The biggest development for him and viewers would come later.

‘The Bachelor’: An emotional rollercoaster ride before the last rose

On the last date, Lisa and Angelina each get another chance to impress David. David went karting with Lisa. Then they spent a night in the chalet for the first time, which was not captured by the cameras.

“It’s really about feelings now. It’s getting really serious now,” Lisa stated. “I can’t even imagine that it could have been the last time I spent so much time with Lisa,” summed up the bachelor himself.

David and Lisa M. Use of material related to the software is permitted only by reference to and linking to RTL+.

Lisa made it to the final – and also into David’s heart?Photo: RTL

The last date with Angelina must have been something very special for David. He took her to the Birds of Prey Garden and put an eagle on her arm. David once told her, before later admitting: “I’m enjoying this a lot.” “It’s definitely more like a crush.” Angelina also raved, “I’m so glad we finally have time without a camera. We’ll definitely talk to each other a lot and maybe even kiss again.”

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On the final night of the roses, David clearly finds the decision difficult. The bachelor explained to both women how special he was to spend time with them and what he learned to appreciate about them. In the end, his choice was clear: Angelina got the last rose.

big surprise

Presenter Frauke Ludwig announced the reunion immediately. “I don’t want to reveal too much at this point, but there is indeed a big surprise today,” the presenter said mysteriously. Then, David and some of his nominees get to experience some scenes from last season together.

Lisa and Angelina had their say. “Of course there are moments when you think: If I didn’t do it all. But on the other hand: If you didn’t take that risk, you couldn’t win,” Lisa declared. Angelina said there was one feature of the format that bothered her the most:

But then the big shift in the show. Because when Frauke Ludowig asked David and Angelina if they were still a couple, they both said no. The bachelor is still not single. “I’m not over letting Lisa do that,” David explained. He never stopped thinking about Lisa, “even when he met Angelina.” David was encouraged, saying:

“I called Lisa and told her how I felt. I’d be stupid if I didn’t try to contact her.”

Lisa then confirms that all of this happened when David and Angelina were no longer a couple. “Of course that was the prerequisite for us to meet again,” Lisa said. “It’s already over.” Then they meet again and realize that they still have feelings for each other. “We felt for each other instantly,” Lisa explained.

David on the Fourth Night of the Roses.  Use of material relating to the Program is permitted only by reference to and linking to RTL +.

David announced a big decision after the final.Photo: RTL

Even if Angelina seems noticeably sad throughout: she probably doesn’t have a grudge against David and Lisa. “I wish them all the best and it comes from the heart,” said the eventual winner. Then she added: “It didn’t work out for us. If it worked out for them, I’d be happy for them, everything’s fine now.”

Meanwhile viewers are being reminded of the similar Bachelorette ending a few years ago. It was then that Nico Gressert brought back his Queen of Hearts, Michelle, just before the final, only to dump her again on the final night of the roses. After completing the shoot, the two finally got together.

Whether Lisa and David really have a lot of luck after the finale remains to be seen in the future.

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