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Deborah Girl » Leader

Deborah Girl » Leader

Since September 1, 2021, Deborah Girl has strengthened the team of Austria’s leading public relations and lobbying agency, Rosam.Grünberger Change Communications, in the field of corporate communications as Senior Consultant. “I see communication and consulting as a holistic concept, including journalism and public relations as well as online communication. That is why it is so good for me to start with a well-known full-service agency like Rosam.Grünberger Change Communications that takes such a holistic approach,” says Deborah Girl .

Communications expert studied digital marketing at FH St. Pölten as well as journalism and political science at the University of Vienna and has more than seven years of agency experience. Prior to her move, Deborah Girl held various positions at Alpha Z Communications Agency, most recently as Senior Counsellor. There it mainly took care of corporate clients from the food and technology sectors, but also from healthcare to start-ups. In addition to client management, classic journalism, strategy and PR work, Deborah Girl has also focused specifically on digital communications, from supporting websites and holistic social media to managing influencers.

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