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Defect in mathematics due to origin

Defect in mathematics due to origin

Mathematics: Absolutely goal?
Built: Abby

In the United States, mathematics should no longer be purely objective, but rather a sign of “white supremacy”. Non-white students are lagging behind in math because this material is based on Western values, the dissertation.

D.Brittany Marshall started. “There are cultural reasons for the idea of ​​2 + 2 = 4. As a result of Western imperialism / colonialism, we think it is right to do so, ”a Rutgers University student tweeted last summer – breaking the debate in the United States. Mathematics, Skin color and appearance. Marshall, according to his profile, a teacher, activist for social change and a supporter of the “Black Lives Matter” movement, made public from time to time and cautiously discussed at school administrations and educational conferences: non-white students are based on Western values ​​in mathematics.

As expected, Marshall was inside Social media Verizon preceded. Many Americans accused him of being naive and short-sighted, while others accused him of trying to use mathematics as a tool in times of identity politics. “It’s about mathematics, not history,” warns conservative journalist Paula Pollard. “Mathematics does not lie. It does not change either by political currents or by your own feelings. The iPhones where you type your tweets work according to the binary system – one and zeros, not five or four thousand. “

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