In memory of the studio, a work of art sparks rumors that the owners of the sci-fi franchise may meet on the anniversary.
Bungie is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year and of course there will be an online event. In an artwork for Bungie’s permanent fireplace, some of the gaming community now believe they’ve seen details indicating the crossover’s aura.
The reason for fan speculation is this image that Tom Warren shared here on Twitter showing the Destiny 2 scene – but presumably with some hints of Halo:
Destiny 2 players believe that a Halo Crossover will happen next week. Is this a far left battle rifle? Covenant rifle on the right? Hmm?
Tom Warren December 2, 2021
As user aj-adolfo writes on Reddit – and gets some likes and approval comments for it – a battle rifle made of Halo or Battle Rifle (left) can be seen in the photo next to the Six Guards. In addition, two ratchets appear to resemble a covenant (in the middle and on the right in the photo). But for now, it’s just a guess, to be fair: the acting is kind of small.
A combination of the two games wouldn’t be too surprising for an anniversary. Not only did Bungie lay the groundwork for the Halo series at the time, the final sequel is just around the corner, celebrating its birthday this year as well, and both games are sci-fi games.
Perhaps we know more, because Bungie’s anniversary celebrations are already underway with various special content. Currently, there are both paid packages, which you can find on the official website, as well as small free gifts.
The latest Destiny Christmas patch will follow next week, so maybe on December 7th we’ll find out if the two famous worlds really get together.
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