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Developers can also download tvOS 15.2 Beta 2

Developers can also download tvOS 15.2 Beta 2

An apple tvOS 15.2 Beta 2 is also made available to registered developers tonight. This beta update comes two weeks after the distribution of the first beta version of this next update. tvOS 15.2 will primarily improve the performance, security, and stability of tvOS 15.2.

Apple next night iOS 15.2 and iPadOS 15.2 Beta 2And macOS Monterey 12.1 Beta 2 And watchOS 8.3 Beta 2 tvOS 15.2 is also made available for download in a second trial version for registered developers.

The new beta version will appear two weeks after the distribution of the first beta version of the upcoming update. tvOS 15.2 appears for the file Camel Developers can download and install the 4th, 5th, 6th, and beta versions via Xcode on your Apple TV.

General tvOS performance improvements

With the tvOS 15.2 update, Apple will mainly improve the overall performance and security of tvOS 15 and fix bugs that have not yet been patched. New functionality was recently brought to Apple TV with SharePlay support.

The latest version of tvOS 15.2 will be available to all users in a few weeks.

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