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Digit Digitalization Possibilities Rankings: USA Clear Winner, Germany Slips …

Digit Digitalization Possibilities Rankings: USA Clear Winner, Germany Slips …

15.04.2021 – 09:30

Euler Hermes Germany

Hamburg (ots)

-  USA haben beim Euler Hermes "Enabling Digitalization Index" klar die Nase vorn 
-  Klein, aber oho: Dänemark zeigt auf Platz zwei, wie es geht 
-  Deutschland rutscht auf Rang drei ab und lässt viel Potenzial liegen 
-  China sitzt Deutschland nach Aufholjagd von Rang 17 auf Rang vier bereits im Nacken  

Mirror, glass on the wall, which is the most digital country? The United States, Denmark and Germany are once again leading the Euler Hermes Digitalization Index 2020 (EDI) in the top three. However, compared to previous years, Germany has lost land and advanced from second to third place, with China holding a lot.

This code not only assesses the status of digitalization in 115 countries, but also evaluates the potential for digitalization based on five factors: regulation, knowledge, connectivity, infrastructure and size. So EDI measures the potential of countries – and agility – to help digital businesses thrive, as well as help traditional businesses use digital opportunities.

“It’s not surprising that digitalization is acting as a buffer in dealing with the Covit 19 epidemic,” said Ron van Hedhof, CEO of Euler Hermes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The study shows that those at the forefront of the “Digitalization Index” have come through the Govt 19 epidemic more economically than countries lagging behind in terms of the potential for digitization. ”

Unleashed Tip: America is clearer than the game

The United States is at the forefront so far due to its first-rate knowledge ecosystem, market size and favorable regulatory framework. After an increase of +5.1 points in 2018, the country’s link value rose to +1.8 points by the end of 2019.

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“Germany, on the other hand, has the best knowledge ecosystem and the best logistics infrastructure,” says Ron von Hedhof, CEO of Euler Hermes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

The Germans were able to make some progress in terms of regulation and market size, but the quality of the connection was declining compared to the rest of the world – despite a continuous upward trend in the number of secure servers. This is due to less than 100 mobile phone connections per citizen and a slight decline in the number of Internet users by the end of 2019.

Germany leaves no use of potential – China quickly catches up and shows how it is done

“Germany has a lot of energy – but it leaves some parts of it unopened,” says Van Hedhof. “On the other hand, China has made it clear how it can use its capabilities most effectively: in the three years since the epidemic, the country has drawn itself from 17th to 4th place, and is already sitting on Germany’s neck, even though it has been digitized. It’s time to dump her and move on. “Companies are a critical factor in success, especially in times of crisis, in terms of infrastructure and investment.”

Small but strong: Denmark shows the big states where to go

Another country that shows how to do it is Denmark. The Scandinavians started 2020 as the best actor in terms of connection quality. In fact, after tripling the number of secure servers in 2018, it has doubled again, to more than China and Canada and closer to France – with a population of just over 6 million.

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The full study can be found at the link here:

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Euler Hermes uses its own monitoring system to monitor and analyze the bankruptcy growth of more than 80 million small, medium and multinational companies. Overall, the expert analyzes markets that account for 92% of global GDP (GDP).

With this expertise, Euler Hermes secures global trade and provides more than 66,000 customers worldwide with the confidence they need in their business and how they are paid. As a subsidiary of the Alliance and rated AA by Standard & Poor’s, Euler Hermes is a financially strong partner on behalf of its customers in the event of damage.

Headquartered in Paris, the company is represented in more than 50 countries and employs approximately 5,800 people worldwide. By 2020, Euler Hermes had insured business transactions worth 824 billion worldwide.

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Press Contact:

Euler Hermes Germany
AntJ Walters
Press Officer
Phone: +49 (0) 40 8834-1033
Car: +49 (0) 160 899 2772
[email protected]

Original content: Euler Hermes Germany, spread by News Actual