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Diplomacy – The EU Special Summit deliberates on Russia and Belarus

Diplomacy – The EU Special Summit deliberates on Russia and Belarus

The heads of state and government of the European Union will discuss the severed relations with Russia at a special summit in Brussels on Monday (7 pm). Due to current events, the relationship with Belarus (Belarus) will also be a topic. Due to the emergency landing of a scheduled Minsk flight on Sunday, possible new sanctions against Belarus will be discussed. The relationship with Great Britain after leaving the European Union forever is also on the agenda.

The upcoming special summit in March will be the first actual meeting of heads of state and government in Brussels since December.  - © BUNDESKANZLERAMT / DRAGAN TATIC
In March is still hypothetical, as well as coming A special summit is the first actual meeting of heads of state or government in Brussels since December. – © BUNDESKANZLERAMT / DRAGAN TATIC

On Tuesday, Chancellor Sebastian Curtis (ÖVP) and other heads of state and government want to coordinate more in the fight against the Coronavirus. There is also a discussion on how to achieve the 2030 climate target. This also aims to provide guidance to the European Union Commission. In July, the Brussels authority wants to submit legislative proposals on how to reduce greenhouse gases by at least 55 percent below the 1990 level by 2030. The special summit is the first actual meeting of heads of state and government in Brussels since December. (What / dpa)

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