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Disturbing scene – Leon lets himself go completely

Disturbing scene – Leon lets himself go completely

With “Gute Zeiten, Bad Zeiten” there’s a situation next week that Nina wasn’t expecting at all. Leon loses his grip on the ground and leaves his girlfriend in shock. Warning, spoilers will follow!

between Nina And leon It has been in crisis for a long time. After the Big Bang and kiss with Svenja The two try to find each other again. However, this only works moderately. As Leon receives more and more negative feedback from the audience of his cooking show and Svenja wants him expelled from the show, it’s clear that the switch turns on the already elegant chef.

He suddenly became unknown and looked to blame others. In conversation with Svenja he becomes abusive, only to numb his agonizing ego with alcohol afterwards. But that’s not all: when he sees that Svenja forgot her bag on the construction toilet, he takes advantage of the situation. He doesn’t know that Nina is watching him as he drops out…

Do you already know the Instagram profiles of GZSZ stars? In the Video Let us introduce you to the most exciting of them:

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Shocking scene: Nina barely recognizes Leon

Drunken and drunk, Leon takes Svenja’s tablet from her bag, puts it in the sink and shamelessly pees on it. He’s enjoying a moment full of joy and not noticing that Nina is watching him in a foolish act of revenge. She is completely shocked and does not recognize her boyfriend! The scene he gets used to is already there Broadcasting on TVNOW Premium to see.

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Instead of blaming her boyfriend, Nina no longer wants to see the disturbing photo and sneaks away unnoticed. Even if she knew the amount of negative reactions to Leon, Nina probably did not expect such a reaction. Will you face Leon with it or will you draw the line?

You will learn how to proceed from Monday through Friday 7:40 PM on RTL Or in the reading tip below, which will take you to a preview of GZSZ.

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