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Drafting Topic 23 “Sharp”

Drafting Topic 23 “Sharp”

Wording 23 is “sharp”. Anyway, that’s the whole point. We are eager for your short stories!

Written by Zita Berueter

Wording, FM4’s short story competition, is starting again and this year it’s going to be “hot”. From a sharp person to a sharp pepper, from sharp claws to a sharp knife, from a sharp mind to a sharp wind, from a sharp dog to a sharp stink, from a sharp image to a sharp sight. From politics, in which something is always “strongly disapproved”, to Ibiza.

“Are you stupid, it’s sharp.”
(HC Strache)

There is a lot inside. And look forward to it! We are eager for your short stories! We are, first and foremost, the Editorial Preliminary Jury: FM4 Editors Zita Beruter, Claudia Csch, Jenny Blochberger, Barbara Koppel, Connie Lee, Maria Mutter, David Pfister, Lena Ravitseder, David Riegler, Lisa Schneider, Simon Wilbel and Jurgen Lager From Luftschacht Verlag. The preliminary jury reads all submitted submissions several times and selects the 20 best texts. Then you anonymously pass it on to the principal jury.

Drafting handout with subject and deadline

FM4 radio


These five – by the way, members of the jury without a fee – then select the winner and choose 10 texts that will be published in Wortlaut’s book in the fall of 2023.

the prices

  • First place: 1000 euros
  • Second place: 750 euros
  • Third place: 500 euros

Also for the top 10 texts



The best short story will be in standard published.

How it works?

We are looking for short stories written exclusively for Wortlaut that have not yet been published. No handwritten lyrics, no poetry, no drama.

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A short story on a “hot” topic may be a maximum of 8 typewritten pages (maximum 24,000 characters total including spaces).

Email us your text to [email protected]. Applications sent by mail will not be considered for organizational reasons!

VERY IMPORTANT: Write your full name, phone number, and home address.

The closing date for entries is Tuesday 6 June 2023


You can find all about the Wortlaut 23 FM4 Short Story Competition at any time at

For detailed information and frequently asked questions, there are Frequently Asked Questions – Sharp – Wording 23.