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Drosendorf: Private Tour of Drosendorf 3, September 2022

Drosendorf: Private Tour of Drosendorf 3, September 2022

Coat of arms of Lower Austria, several guided tours on September 3. Introduced in Drosendorf, made use of and observed an amazing amount of knowledge, and saw amazing things, almost so much at once! The guided tours were really interesting, what has been said about mystical things, that the “wise woman” (floating) walks through the city! So knowledge is concentrated at once… a very short time.
Very interesting, and very informative, to participate in such a tour.
Now look at the pictures of interesting things in and around Drosendorf…I handled the ice cream at the end, but how… it tasted, and I was not surprised when people more than 40 km away enjoyed the ice cream from Drosendorf.

The second part of Drosendorf 2 consists of cinema and architecture.


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