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Dying Light 2 should give you over 500 hours of gameplay •

Dying Light 2 should give you over 500 hours of gameplay •

With Dying Light 2: Stay Human, you will be able to have fun for a long time, the developer claims. According to Techland, you can easily put 500 hours into the open-world zombie role-playing game to unlock all the content available for release.

“It takes at least 500 hours to complete Dying Light 2 Stay Human – roughly as long as it takes to walk from Warsaw to Madrid,” the studio said in a tweet. This is about 21 days or three full weeks – sleep, work, food and all the time wasters of everyday life are of course not included.

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To avoid any misunderstanding, the developer shared a small update on his tweet: The 500 hours refers to the maximum possible use of the game – complete all missions, finish all missions and explore all over the world, but the average player should know the story + complete side quests and a lot of exploration in less than 100 hours, don’t worry! “

Fans fear that quality will suffer from quantity

However, not all gamers seem to be completely satisfied with this amazing number of hours. “No offense, I’ve loved your previous games, but this is a huge turn off. As a father of two I don’t have time to delve into those time wasters. I prefer a less bloated experience. The length of Dead Island or Dying Light was perfect. It took a month at most to finish , “as he says Comment from an interested player.

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Others fear that 500 hours of gameplay will be full of boring collecting tasks and other time wasters. The player who has announced that he will now cancel his pre-order, Says: “500 hours of total bullshit guaranteed. You can’t play a game this long without a ridiculous amount of nasty stuffing.”

Others see it as a little more positive and say they are happy as long as they don’t have to spend 300 of the advertised 500 hours searching for small collectibles.

Regardless of whether you want to exhaust Dying Light 2: Stay Human or just play through the story, Techland promises a “robust experience” either way. The game will be released on February 4, 2022 for PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and even Nintendo Switch.