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Dying Light 2: Zombie Parkour with planned horses?

Dying Light 2: Zombie Parkour with planned horses?

The player finds clues to controlling a horse in Dying Light 2. What follows? Parkour horse? Or is it leftover?


Dying Light 2: Stay Human It takes place in a post-apocalyptic time where parkour maneuvers and battles with zombies and humans are the order of the day. But is something missing? As in The Walking Dead series, the rides are silent and fuel-efficient. Come to the next day Major DLC updated HP?

Why do we believe in it? Well, Redditor “Ghostspider1989” tried to change the game controls in the INI file. In doing so, he came up with a complete layout of the ride (Via Imgur). This begs the question: Will there be horses in the next DLC?

Dying Light 2: Can horseback riding be added?

“Happiness on earth lies on horseback” – or something like that. In video game production, there are always changes and even complete changes of direction behind the scenes. Techland may have tested the horse as a mode of transportation in Dying Light 2. On the other hand, it could also be a test drive. During development, Techland tried hard to achieve a “medieval aesthetic,” as another Redditor named “CG_TP” noted.

By the way, the story of horseback riding in Dying Light 2 is not entirely new. Some animal models, including horses, can be found in the game’s source code.

A YouTube video showing horse models

Dying Light 2: Staying Human appears to have some cut content. The models don’t really look smart now, so it can be assumed that they aren’t reworked anymore. It doesn’t compare to the horses in Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption 2, but see for yourself:

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Animals have their place in the world of dying light. In addition to birds of prey, there are also dogs and rats. So why not horses in the future?

Dying Light 2: Stay Human It was released on the 4th of February 2022 after some delays in the release, and it is available for different platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and Windows PC. There is a cloud version for Nintendo Switch.