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Earl wants to continue to identify himself with Wagner

Earl wants to continue to identify himself with Wagner


Tyrolean Festival Erl also wants to expand its reputation as a Wagner Center with its 2023 Summer Programme. The focus should be on understanding the text and fidelity to the source. Richard Wagner’s operas “Siegfried” and “Götterdämmerung” are shown on the program at the Summer Festival.

Festival director Bernd Luby confirmed on Friday that, unlike Bayreuth, they “don’t want to keep reinventing everything”. With the former director of the Tiroler Landestheater, Brigitte Fassbender, as director, the main focus is on loyalty to the source. However, the resulting Wagner productions are not “conservative or boring,” Loeb said at the program’s press conference for next summer’s Earl.

Working exactly on the text will instead lead to a “pulse” of the characters in the opera. According to Webb, this aesthetic is supported by a “first stage designer” in Caspar Glarner and a “deep, deep musical conductor” in Erik Nielsen. With this concept, he would like to continue working on Wagner’s international standing for Erl.

Earl Festival Director, Bernd Loeb

APA/EXPA/Johann Groder

Festival director Bernd Luby wants to expand Erl’s reputation as a Wagner site

Festspiele Erl wants to record with quality and atmosphere

According to Loebe, Erl wants it to be “a place of well-being for artists” in the summer and beyond, where “the best quality can be served”. In addition to the two new Wagner productions, a revival of Engelbert Humperdinck’s “Königskinder” is also on the schedule next summer. And the director of the festival relies on continuity, “with the same husband and the same leader.” The success of the production contributed to the decision to revive it.

In addition to Wagner and Humperdinck, there will also be an anniversary party with Oskar Hillebrandt, who has been a guest on Erl several times. The singer, who was also present at the press conference, praised the atmosphere in Earl and named another Earl characteristic that contributes to Wagner’s standing at the festival: “You develop young singers in Earl brilliantly.”

Young, if not new in this field, is the Viennese Boys Choir, which will also be heard in the Unterländer Society in the summer. Christian Muthspiel also performs jazz, and Franoi also meets Nicholas Habjan. Moreover, in the summer of next year, the Schumann Quartet will of course perform Robert Schumann, but also works by Ludwig van Beethoven or, for example, Johannes Brahms.

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